Riders of Rohan

Any comments on this new expansion pack?

Well I thought and read a few things about it and I have already made my decision. I will pre-order de basic edition. Since we can buy from lotro store almost everything in the other packs with TP, I’ll just get the cheaper one. And since now it has a 1000 TPs included it got my attention.

With those TPs I can buy the extra bag or better yet, the premium wallet!! It will surely empty a lot of slots and I definetly need more space.

I just don’t want to start a whole new toon to get those TPs. I could, but I’m feeling so lazy and with so litle time to play nowadays, I want to have fun with my LM main in the new areas. I’m still completing the Great River zone, so I still have plenty of content to explore with him.

See you all ingame!!

Omnymax, Lord of Streams

New Video: Battle Flag

At some point, you may have wondered, “Hey, Mieja always says she’s shooting game video, but we never see any of it… what’s up with that, huh?”  Well, that’s because video editing is hard.  Especially when you don’t really know anything about video editing.  Or when you don’t particularly understand your editing software.  Or when your brain has all the functionality of a comparably-sized chunk of swiss cheese.  Or all of the above.

Occasionally, however, I do overcome my sizeable limitations and actually produce something useful.  Or relatively coherent.  Or at least, y’know, finished.

Accordingly, enclosed herein is a rough cut of some video footage taken yesterday when Omny, Dagwolff and I went to Tham Mirdain.  We, uh, we actually didn’t finish the boss at the end.  Which might have had something to do with the fact that, y’know, the healer was busy shooting video during the battle.  But hey, it’s art, you gotta make sacrifices… right?


…Never mind.  Just watch the vid.  😉



Omnymax profile

Ages ago Omnymax was asked to gaze into Galadriel’s mirror. The revelations were so disturbing that Omnymax was banned from Lórien, and his name forgotten by his kind  and his own life forsaken.

But Galadriel also foretold the time of his return, not only to Lothlórien, but also to his former glory and respect among the elves, and the entire middle-earth! And that time, has just begun…

Omnymax is a lore-master focused on dps who walks the Fury of Nature’s path. Usualy can be seen with Flake, his loyal lynx companion.
He is a supreme master prospector,  jeweller and cook.

Welcome to the Kinship

I am Omnymax, and I have the honor and responsibility to be your kinship leader.
In the spirit of friendship, loyalty and fun I salute everyone. Enjoy your time while playing, and invite, from time to time, a fellow kin member to quest or skirm together. These bonds we make, strengthens the kin and the toons.
Here I describe some groundrules or guidelines to ensure everyone is treated equally and kindly, and for all of us to experience the full spectre of Lotro fun! 😀