Class demographics of the kinship

At the moment, our kinship has 214 members and our demographics,
divided by class, are:

  1. Hunter: 42 members
  2. Guardian: 29 members
  3. Minstrel: 28 members
  4. Champion: 24 members
  5. Rune-keeper: 23 members
  6. Warden: 20 members
  7. Burglar: 17 members
  8. Lore-master: 16 members
  9. Captain: 15 members

LoTRO is Awesome Kinship Classes


Results and new poll!

Here are the results of our poll “Have you pre-purchased Rise of Isengard?”:

Our new poll is about the likes and dislikes of our kinsmen, and maybe, the most important of them all. Since many of us have more then one toon – and those toons tend to be very different from each other –, I believe it’s a fair question to ask “Which class is your favorite”. I, for example, have created different toons to experience LOTRO in different ways. I’ve been pissed of with Falranion (cap), frustrated with Gilgalaras (hunter) and bored with Amgalaras (rk). But I love Fal’s flexibility  (and maybe now I’m beginning to learn how to be a better captain), Gil knows how to kick ass with 2 shots and Am’s powers are magnificent (specially the star-warsy, shooting-lightning-bolts-out-of-my-hands power!)  All classes have upsides and downsides, and our preferences may vary during the course of the game, so it’s ok to change you mind later, but right now, who is your favorite?

And feel free to justify your choice through comments on this post!

….Level 46

That’s exactly where it started. And this might be a bit long, so please be patient.

It was roughly a year and a half ago when I started playing Lotro. I actually had no idea when I picked up the box (Shadows of Angmar) in the outlet store that it was a mmorpg. I thought it was just a throw the disk in the computer and play type of game. Yeah, just a little wrong there. But I thought, “What the hell, my friend loves WOW so it can’t be all bad”.

Needless to say, I spent alot of time getting used to the controls and format of the game. It actually took me about 6 levels to figure out that doing quests advanced me alot more than randomly killing stuff. (I know, haha) There were alot of times that I wished I KNEW someone in the game to ask questions to without sounding stupid or possibly being ridiculed. Online I’m pretty shy, so I just passed it off thinking I’ll figure it out on my own, and for the most part, I did.

I remember being in the Lonelands questing and I had an odd request. Do you want to join the Kin “Is Awesome”? I thought to myself.. sure.. whatever that means. And that was that. I kept on playing and leveling just trying to make it farther and farther in the game.

I’ll honestly never forget the day I was at level 46 and questing in the Misty Mountains and I got an IM pop up from Daerdreth. It was something to the effect of “You’re gear sucks”. (it was actually alot nicer). See, at this point the only weapons, gear, bling, etc  that I had was from drops. And I noticed that there were some on level quests that I was having alot of trouble with.  

He started to ask the other kin members to make me some gear. Within 2 hours I had new EVERYTHING. I Still remember that my morale went up by 800! I just kept thanking and thanking everyone. And even to this day, words can’t express my gratitude to everyone.

Without getting into writing a novel, with the help of the kin, I actually started talking in the game, I started to understand the game alot better, I started crafting (yeah, didn’t start till 46), and I found a group that CARES about it’s fellow members.

I know there might be some members out there that are sort of the same as me. And I guess the reason that I’m writing this is so that you know that we’re here for you. If you need help, ask. If you have questions, ask.  The kin has brought my joy of playing the game to a whole new level, and I hope it will for all of you too.

Happy hunting, and take care,


Welcome to the Kinship

I am Omnymax, and I have the honor and responsibility to be your kinship leader.
In the spirit of friendship, loyalty and fun I salute everyone. Enjoy your time while playing, and invite, from time to time, a fellow kin member to quest or skirm together. These bonds we make, strengthens the kin and the toons.
Here I describe some groundrules or guidelines to ensure everyone is treated equally and kindly, and for all of us to experience the full spectre of Lotro fun! 😀