The Plan

A long time ago, Omnymax looked into Galadriel’s mirror and both saw in horror, Omnymax helping orcs and a more vile creature, not known at the time which now we call Uruk-hai. For this he was banned from Lothlórien but his return was also foretold.

This time Galadriel had misterious words about knowledge, access and corruption.
Omnymax then went back to Rivendell where he met Elrond, Half-elven who consider him like kin. After some thought they began to understand what Galadriel meant and taking into consideration the first time Omnymax looked into the mirror, they elaborated a plan. They knew that at some point Omnymax would enter Saruman’s most guarded chambers and that would be the time to execute a very calculated plan to sabotage, diminish, and weaken the enemy forces.

After gaining access to Orthanc and its surrondings, a timely executed series of sabotage actions started. Continue reading

Grats, Dagwolff!!!

Let’s hear it for Dagwolff, our kinship’s first Level 75!

After a lengthy period of watching Balnoran demolish level after level, Dagwolff took the lead in the competition-that-isn’t, becoming the first to reach 74 – then, this morning, hit level 75 outside the hidden entrance to Isengard while, in his words, ‘standing in a huge puddle’.  (Here’s hoping those stylish boots of his were waterproof!)

A hearty Huzzah! to Dagwolff – and cheers for all our kin, as we venture ever onward toward Dunland.

The Hobbits are going to Isengard!

A few screenshots from my initial explorations:

Dunland, somewhere near Galtrev.

Another view from the same spot (with Balnoran)

That cow over there?  Could whomp me into next week.  I’m just sayin’.

Heading south from Dunland into Wulf’s Cleft.

Looking down from the Cleft into the Gap of Rohan.

I’m going to leap down and see what I can see (assuming I don’t die).  (ETA: except that I can’t, so don’t try getting there that way.  😉

Well travelled, indeed.  😉

Wish me luck!
(ETA: the journey continues…)
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