Perlino mount

Hello everyone!

I always enjoyed to collect Lotro mounts. My last acquired mount is the Perlino horse. It has been given to me by Falranion after he visited the lotro stand in gamescom in köln. As he won’t be logging to lotro for some time he decided to pass on the code for the horse.

Coincidentally I got the same horse a few days later at the Lotro lotteries 🙂

Here is the pic of the Perlino Mount.

I usually use the World Renown mount because it has greater speed and morale and I tend to prefer white horses.

Which brings me the question: Which is your mount of choice?

Officers subscriptions

Hello kinmates!

This post is to remind all officers that you are entitled to subscribe to the blog so you can create you own posts.

It is a simple 2 steps process: 1. make a subscription at wordpress (create a wordpress account) 2. Send an in game mail to Omnymax with your wordpress account name or e-mail and i’ll add you as a contributor to the blog.

Just too easy!! 🙂

Riders of Rohan

Any comments on this new expansion pack?

Well I thought and read a few things about it and I have already made my decision. I will pre-order de basic edition. Since we can buy from lotro store almost everything in the other packs with TP, I’ll just get the cheaper one. And since now it has a 1000 TPs included it got my attention.

With those TPs I can buy the extra bag or better yet, the premium wallet!! It will surely empty a lot of slots and I definetly need more space.

I just don’t want to start a whole new toon to get those TPs. I could, but I’m feeling so lazy and with so litle time to play nowadays, I want to have fun with my LM main in the new areas. I’m still completing the Great River zone, so I still have plenty of content to explore with him.

See you all ingame!!

Omnymax, Lord of Streams

Leader Labour :p

Hello Kinnies!

This is a post just to tell you guys that I’m going to be off for a couple of weeks. I have just switched jobs and have been working 10 more hours per week than i used to. This will soon be reverted and I’ll be online as usual.

I hope to see you all very soon.
Miss the fun…

Omnymax Moonborne, Lord os Streams, Leader of Is Awesome, Lore-master Extraordinaire

A creepy feeling

I have been playing a creep for the last few weeks. A warg called Omnyevil 🙂
I admit i`m having lots of fun with it. The combat goes to another level when the adversary has human intelligence.

In the other hand, people suck at moors. The friendly environment we built inside our kinship is strongly confronted by some very rude people. It is amazingly hard to find some decent folk who helps other leveling and questing. There is no nice in moors.

I can`t say how freeps act with each other, but creeps are mostly uncool.

So, if you ever want to enjoy a litle creep time, beware of this unfriendly behavior. Don`t go there to make friends 🙂 But if you want one, I`m there.


200 members

I`m proud to announce we reached the 200 members mark.
Congratulations to all officers, who continuously work on recruiting new friends to our kinship.
Welcome to the new members, have fun, ask questions, enjoy the game.

Omnymax Moonborne, Lord of Streams

The reclaim command

A couple of days ago I learned about the /reclaim command and decided to test it to see what I could get back. To my surprise, I received all the RoI treats again! In another words, all the open gifts where back again into that one slot gift box. I quickly went to my vault and got rid of all my open RoI outfits, freeing lots of vault space.
This command should give you back all the promotional items you won.
I suggest you test it first to see what you can get before throwing anything out.

A complete list of commands can be found here.